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Chemistry Meeting Application:
In your 15 minute Chemistry meeting we will:
- Define your vision for your relationship
- Chat about what you expect and hope to achieve through coaching
- Answer any additional questions you may still have
A coaching intervention requires both a financial and time investment. Being 100% sure you have a good click with your coach is therefore important. And that is why I offer these 15 minute (no obligation) Chemistry meetings.
The main purpose of the chemistry meeting is to ease your mind and deal with any questions and uncertainties about whether we're a good match for a coaching partnership.
Our chemistry meeting will be conducted via conference call. (using Skype, Whatsapp, Facetime or whatever other tools)
Once you've submitted the form below, you will receive an email with a link to my online calendar so you can schedule a meeting.
I look forward to hearing from you!!
[caldera_form id="CF5932d5631443a"]
Very keen but still have questions?